Thursday, March 1, 2012

Don't let National Employee Appreciation Day pass you by

Tomorrow is National Employee Appreciation Day. Especially in this moribund business environment, it wouldn’t hurt to show a little love to those who ultimately ensure your company's success.

Recognition doesn’t need to be fancy or expensive. It should be sincere and meaningful. Below are a few ideas to stimulate your sense of appreciation.
  •  Throw a party. A midday break attached to cake and soft drinks always has a positive impact on morale. As the boss, don’t just show up though. Come with a few prepared remarks highlighting your work group’s successes and accomplishments. Make sure you congratulate and express appreciation to staff members for making all that possible.
  • Take ‘em to lunch. Expressing thanks to employees while enjoying a delicious meal together moves morale mountains.
  • Give a little time off. If business can be managed effectively, allow employees a little time off. Whether it’s the entire afternoon or an hour at the end of the day, employees will be grateful for the opportunity to sneak out of the office a little early.
  • Write a note. Sometimes a handwritten thank you note from the boss can have a tremendous impact on an employee’s morale. This is especially true if the note is personalized by targeting specific contributions made by the recipient.
  • Perk things up. Employees always love perks. Whether its movie tickets, a massage, dry cleaning or a car wash, a gift of nominal value can be leveraged to create a tremendous boost in morale.
  • Just say “thank you”. For some organizations, coming up with cash to show appreciation can be daunting and the time to write a note unavailable. In such cases, it would be good just to stop by each employee’s workstation for a moment and thank the individual personally for his or her contribution.

While there are a thousand reasons why you should just let National Employee Appreciation Day slip by unnoticed, taking the day as an opportunity to recognize those people who have helped you make it this far will  reap tremendous benefits including improved morale and enhanced employee engagement.

If you have questions about this or other human resources issues, please contact Business Advantage International or Allen Miller at 801.444.9919. 

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